Wow! This class has been amazing! I have been so blessed to lead them as they have done the hard work of writing their Research Papers. Writing a thesis-driven research paper is no easy task. Pat your kids on the backs because they've all done a wonderful job. I will be reading the papers over Christmas break and will mail them out to the students.
For our last class, we squeezed in 5 wonderful presentations. Kirsten talked about Walt Disney and his journey to develop the iconic Disney Studios. Samuel spoke respectfully of Ronald Reagan and his legacy. We heard about gun laws, gun control, and the Second Amendment from David. Christie explained the background and historical roots of mime and pantomime. And Brit shared his knowledge of Japanese history and culture. Over the course of the semester, each of these students has become experts in their chosen topics in the process of gathering information. In addition, they've also written very good papers. Be proud of them!!
As I said, I will read, comment on, and grade the papers during break. Since this is a one semester class, I may not see some of you again. (Of course, you can always take the British Literature class for the second semester.) If I don't see you, let me tell you that it has been a privilege to work with you in your writing process.
Please send me your mailing address so that I can mail the papers to you.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Tammy Prichard