Saturday, August 30, 2014

Classroom Policies -- Writing 3 Fall, 2014

Writing 3 Fall, 2014                                                                                                    Student’s signature
                                                                                                                                    Parent’s initials
Classroom Policies

Classroom Conduct
·         As we explore the various aspects of writing, we’ll engage in whole-class and small group discussions.  Be polite and respectful of each other’s time and comments.
·         We only meet once a week and need to make the most of our time.  Come to class prepared and with the appropriate materials (books, notebook, pens, etc.).  Avoid unrelated and unnecessary conversations and activities that will distract us from learning.  Turn off ALL electronic devices.  (They may be confiscated until the end of the CHAT school day.)

·         Weekly updates that include the material covered and upcoming assignments will be sent to the e-mail addresses that parents submitted when registering for the class.  I will also collect e-mail addresses from students.  I prefer to communicate via e-mail, but can be reached on my cell phone if the concern is urgent.  (507/581-0270)
·         I’m using two more on-line resources in addition to the e-mails: a blog and a document storage site, Dropbox.  Here’s how they will work:
  Writing 3 –  The blog entries will contain the same information from the e-mail updates.  I’m hoping these entries will serve as a consolidation and reference for our weekly lessons for the semester.  Hopefully we can avoid forgotten assignments or missing e-mails.
  Dropbox –  Most of the handouts will be available on the Dropbox website.  Parents and students will receive an e-mail and be invited to view the “Writing 3” folder.  These documents can be downloaded and printed from home computers.
  Note:  I prefer to receive assignments as attachments to e-mails.

·         This class is concerned with both the process of writing a research paper and the resulting final product.  The assignments are incremental steps of the process and should be handed in on-time.  These assignments can be handed in at class time (Thursday afternoon) or by midnight on the following Sunday and not be considered late.  Late assignments will not only receive a reduced score, but could hinder the student’s progress.
·         We will do some in-class grammar and vocabulary work and some outside homework will be given.
·         Accumulating points is the NOT an important aspect of this class.  My goal is that students grow as learners and writers; this is not always reflected in classroom points.  However, points are a helpful indicator of diligence, improvement, and, to some extent, quality.
·         Points will be given for the following activities:
Attendance – 1 pt. /day (However, if a student is sick or excused, adjustments will be made.)
Participation – 5 pt. /day.  This includes good attitudes, helpful comments in the discussions, respect of others, Quick Writes, an College Essays.
Assigned steps of the process – 5 to 10 pt., depending on the assignment with a reduction in points for late work.
Final paper & presentation – 200 points divided into the following categories:  Format, Mechanics, Organization, Content, Thesis/Position, and Presentation.
The students have been given a Rubric (scoring guide) for the research paper.
·         The students have packets of weekly handouts explaining the various steps in writing a research paper.  Occasionally they will need to do more reading in their handbooks or online.
·         Writing a research paper is an involved process to which each student will respond according to his/her personality and learning style.  I’m aware that analytical thinkers will love the step by step process and global thinkers will find it more challenging.  An important goal of this class is that students would become more aware of themselves as learners, researchers and writers.  This self-awareness will help them immensely in further areas of study.

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