I challenged the class with the same Quick Write that the Writing 1 and Writing 2 classes did this week: to write about a favorite cartoon character or to list what they would like on their birthday menu, but they had to do it with the non-dominant hand. As with the other two classes, this proved to be quite a challenge. They had to concentrate really hard just to get one sentence out.
We are nearing the end, and at this point I'm trying to anticipate any questions they might have. Before discussing the presentations they have to give, I went over some details for in-text citations and Works Cited pages. If necessary, students can revisit pages from the blog or other posted links.
The papers written by the students are coming along nicely. They have good content, and they really only need to do some fine-tuning and polishing up of some of the mechanics. If they want, they can hand in a 3rd rough draft next week for me to go over. The Final Drafts are due the last week of class.
We spent the bulk of the class time discussing the Presentations that they are to give. I had them watch 3 short videos; 2 were instructional and 1 was a humorous talk given to illustrate the power of voice and gestures.
Below is the schedule for the presentations:
Week 13 (December 3)
1. Tatum
2. Michael
3. Christopher
Week 14 (December 10)
1. Jaden
2. Cassidy
3. Joe
Week 15 (December 17)
1. Ben
2. Dane
3. Ilya
Assignment for Week 13 (December 3)
-- Rough Draft #3 (optional)
-- Finalize Presentations
-- Reminder: No CHAT next week
Links for this Week:
Have a marvelous Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Prichard