Friday, October 9, 2020

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 6 (October 8)


We had a good day in class yesterday.  We started with a Quick Write.  The two prompts for today were inspired by two October 8 events.  In the year 876, Charles the Bald was defeated in the Battle of Andernach.  I was struck by the unusual nickname, so nicknames were the topic of one option.  Also on October 8, 1871, was the Great Chicago Fire.  I asked students to write about fires, especially if they had a fun fire-related story.

Today we had the following Student-Led topics:  Common Knowledge, Mosaic Plagiarism, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing.  Plagiarism and correctly recording the information found while researching is part of being an ethical researcher and writer.  The students who presented the information did well.  We will not have student-led topics next week, but on Oct. 22, these topics will be covered: signal phrases, "the quote sandwich," in text citations, and block quotations.  (Please check this Google doc to see who presents what and when.) 

In addition to these topics, we discussed evaluating sources and the differences between skimming and scanning material to find pertinent information.  To further that understanding, I have two assignments for the students:  Evaluating Sources and Skim, Scan, etc.  They should use sources that are a part of their research for their paper.

Students were to hand in their research proposals today, and the outlines for their papers are due next week.  As a reminder, the first rough draft of the research paper is due on October 29.

In addition to the assignments on Google Classroom, I've posted some material that might be helpful for students to read:
Resources for Planning the Research Paper
Research and Relevant Sources
Research & Note-Taking
Information about Plagiarism

Have a wonderful weekend.  Weather should be great for enjoying the fall colors!
Mrs. Prichard

Assignments for Next Week
-- Research Proposal (due 10/8)
-- Research Paper Outline
-- Evaluating Sources Worksheet
-- Skim, Scan, etc. Worksheet

Links for This Week
Class Notes 10/8
Quick Write 10/8
Student-Led Topics
Resources for Planning the Research Paper
Research and Relevant Sources
Research & Note-Taking

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