Thursday, November 19, 2020

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 12 (November 19)


A good class today!  

Our Quick Write today was to write about goals (short term or long term) and/or bucket list items.  At this time in students' lives, they are often thinking about the future and makeing plans.  As an older person, I often contemplate  who some goals/dreams have stayed the same and how some have drastically changed.

We covered 3 Latin roots in our Words of the Day:
ambi - Latin, ambiguu, having double meaning or both -- derivatives:  ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambidexterity
aud - Latin, audire, to hear -- derivatives:  auditory, audio, audience, auditorium.  (by the way, audacious comes from audacia, boldness)
aqua -- Latin, aqua, water --  derivatives:  aquatic, aquarium. aqueduct, aquifer

We had a short discussion about the challenges of writing this research paper.  On a scale from 0 to 5, students were somewhere between 1 and 3.  Most of them found time, motivation, and momentum to be concerns.  Other issues that came up were the challenges in organizing information, figuring out what to include and what to leave out, and finding the right balance between opinion and facts.  The students are each in a different place in their processes -- some are on the first draft, the second draft, or the third draft.  

Our other discussion topics for the morning included common grammar topics (commas, semicolons, and the like), documentation, and presentations.  We watched two videos about how to give presentations.  One student asked about using a video, which would certainly be OK.  As I told him, the key issue for this presentation is for students to share their information with their classmates.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Week.  Be blessed!
Mrs. Prichard

Assignments for the upcoming weeks:
-- Work on Rough Draft #1, Rough Draft #2, Rough Draft #3 (if you want), or Final Draft
-- Work on presentations.
-- Citations Quiz

Links for this week:
Class Notes

Links for Documentation

Tamera M. Prichard
Writing Instructor at CHAT

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