Thursday, November 4, 2021

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 10 (November 4)


We had a full day, but the we do every week!

For today, we had a few options:
Students could write about favorite sandwiches, candy, and political activism.

Words of the Day
Autumn -- fr. Latin autumnus, "increase" -- the season of harvest between summer and winter
Equinox -- fr. Latin aequus, "equal" and nox, "night" -- the time when day and night are equal length
Cornucopia -- fr. Latin cornu, "horn" and copiae, "plenty" -- a horn-shaped container containing food, drink in endless supply
Susurrus -- fr. Latin susurrus, "humming, whispering" -- a soft murmuring or whispering sound
Hibernaculum -- fr. Latin hibernaculum, "winter residence" -- the winter quarters of a hibernating animal

We did a small group check about their rough drafts.  In groups of 3 - 4, students shared their topics, thesis statements, challenges, and progress.  All of them are feeling a bit challenged with writing the rough drafts of their papers. The students are in all phases of writing their papers; they should let me know as soon as they submit their rough drafts on Google Classroom.

We had 2 student-led discussions:  Parallel structure and Expletives and "There is/are."  Here's the video for parallel structure.  

We closed out the class with some discussion about what to look for in rough drafts and how to revise.

Assignments for Next Week 
-- Rough Draft #1 (if not done)
-- Extra Credit -- Evaluating Introductions

Links for this Week
-- Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 10 (November 4)

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