Thursday, September 2, 2021

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 2 (September 2)


We had a good class today.  The students were engaged and interacted with the material and with one another.  
Quick Write
Students had 4 options today:  1) Sept. 1 was National No Rhyme Day  Students could try to rhyme some words that don't have clear "rhyme partners."  2) Sept. 2 is National Blueberry Popsicle Day.  Students could write about favorite frozen treats or foods "on a stick." 3) Sept. 3 is National Lazy Mom's Day, and students were prompted to write about tasks they could do for their moms or tasks that their moms do that they would never want to do.  4)  "Whatever."  Students could write about something else that was one their minds.  

Words of the Day
  • Pertinacious -- fr. Latin, pertinax, "very firm, tenacious" -- stubbornly persistent.
  • Ulotrichous --- fr. Greek, oulos, "curly, woolly" and thrix, "hair" -- having very curly, wool-like or stiff hair
  • Gobbledygook -- a word coined by Maury Maverick in 1944 - means unintelligible, whether in communication is nonsense/gibberish or overly complicated
Google Classroom Instructions
I took a few minutes to go over the CHAT classes email and Google Classroom.  Some students haven't used Google Classroom and are unfamiliar with this resource.  It might take a while to become completely comfortable with all of the necessary aspects of Google Classroom.  

Student-Led Discussion
Over the course of the semester, students will take the floor and explain various topics related to research or writing. (Here's the link to the list of topics and student names.) Next week we will hear about MLA paper format from Kara and Philip.

Writing & Research Topics
The rough draft of their short essay was due today.  I will go over those this week and hand them back next week for the students to revise into final drafts.  We transitioned into a discussion about the research paper, which is the focus of this class.  We discussed reasons why writing a research paper is important.  In small groups I had students brainstorm the steps they think they would take to write a well-researched, well-written, and well-documented paper.  They all agreed that this is a fairly complicated process.

Grades & Scores
I had intended to use Google Classroom's grade book, but it doesn't seem to give parents access to scores, just completed and missing homework.  So, I've found an app to use with Google Sheets that imports Google Classroom scores.  I will send out weekly scores to the students and parents.  If you don't want to get the weekly updates, let me know.  (I'm aware that our inboxes can get way too full.)

Assignments for Next Week
Preparations for your Student-Led Discussion topic
Brainstorm possible topics for your research paper
2 Extra Credit options

Links for This Week
Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 2 (September 2)
Essay #1 Outline (due 9/2)

Mrs. Prichard

Tamera M. Prichard

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