Thursday, September 30, 2021

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 6 (September 30)


We had a full day in class today.  I'm sure enjoying this group of students!

Quick Write
Today's prompt was inspired by the fact that is was on this day, September 30, in 1890 that Yosemite was named a national park.  I'm afraid I gave some incorrect information.  Yellowstone was the first national park, not Yosemite.  For the prompt, students were to write about some "great out of doors" adventure.  For responses, I heard about some close calls and some good times in nature.

Words of the Day
Vernacular -- fr. Latin verna (home-born slave) & vernaculus (domestic; native) -- "home-style language;" common language
Colloquial -- fr. Latin com (with) & loqui (to talk) -- language of a conversational style
Dialect -- fr. Greek dialektos (talk, conversation, speech) and fr. PIE -leg (to collect, gather, or pick out words) -- language specific to a particular region
Idiom -- fr. Latin idiomas (peculiarity in language) -- a figure of speech; words that have meanings other than their literal meaning

Homework Check
Usually after the beginning of class activities, I check in with the students about any homework questions.  We discussed assignments on Google Classroom.  I want to clarify an issue relating Google Classroom and the Grades Report that is emailed.  If students are missing an assignment, it will say "missing" on Google Classroom.  When I import the scores onto a Google Sheets spreadsheet using a grade book app, the missing scores are changed to zeros.  

Another note about homework.  I don't have a specific day that I correct homework, but the plan is to have it done and returned for the following class period.  When I'm done correcting work, I will update Google Classroom to reflect both the paper homework that was handed in during class and the assignments finished on Google Classroom.  

Student Led Discussion
Two groups of students presented to the class today.  First we heard about Note-taking from Eliana and Leighton.  The Madeleine and Levi gave us important bibliographical information related to Works Cited pages.  In addition to hearing about Evaluating Sources from Tyler & Carson, here's the plan for next week:

Week 7 (10/7)

Paraphrasing & Summarizing

1. Gabi Fletcher

2.   Ethan Barns

Mosaic Plagiarism

1. Madeleine Choe

2.   Kara Smith

Common Knowledge

1. Michael Miller

2.   Ethan Barns

Student Group Discussions
After our presentations, I divided the students into small groups to discuss their topics and to work on their thesis statements for their research papers.  Their Research Proposals were due this week, and a preliminary outline is due next week.  As I've told students, the work for the first part of the semester is pretty light, but now it's picking up.  The first rough draft is due in two weeks!

Assignments for Next Week

Links for This Week
Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 6 (September 30)

Have a wonderful Fall weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

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