Thursday, December 9, 2021

Writing 3 Class Notes -- Week 14 (December 9)


We had a great class today.  We began with a Quick Write (Christmas traditions) and then proceeded to student presentations.

This morning we heard about Shintoism from Benjamin, AR-15s from Philip, and Psychopathy from Josie.  Not only did all three present good information, but they expertly fielded questions from the rest of the class.

We have one class period left.  I've been going over drafts as they come in; students who handed in papers in the past couple of days will get them over the weekend.  We're at the point that students should be polishing up their drafts ready for the final draft.  Some of the refinements needed included correcting grammatical errors, fixing in text citations, and correctly formatting the Works Cited page.  

We still have quite a number of presentations to get through, and to do that, I gave the students options.  First, we're going to start at 8:30 next week -- I promised food -- so that we have more time.  Also, a couple of students were interested in recording their presentations and posting them on Google Classroom so that the rest of class could see them.  

Students who want to record their presentations can do a video of themselves speaking.  If you want to do a presentation that includes slides (Google Slides or Powerpoint) you can use Zoom to do that.  Basically, you have a Zoom meeting with just yourself.  You can share your screen and record the meeting.  The Zoom app then converts the recording, and that recording can be uploaded to Google Classroom.  Here's a good video that explains the process:  Record a Virtual Presentation.  If a student wants to do this, please contact me!

Next week is the last week of classes for CHAT.  We'll start at 8:30, and even though we will be doing presentations, it will be our end of the semester Christmas party.  Students can bring goodies to share if they'd like.  Because we will have a full class period of presentations, I won't be taking time for the end of class reflection that I usually do.  Students should complete the reflection on this Google Form.  

The goal is to have all work done on the last day, December 16.  That said, I have told the students that I would take final drafts until Sunday, December 19.  If a student is not sure what work needs to be done, Google Classroom is the place to look.  I will send out a Grade Report over the weekend so that you can see current percentages.

Assignments for Next Week:
Finish all the things!

Have a great weekend! 
Mrs. Prichard

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